kwokctl hack get #
get data in etcd
kwokctl hack get [resource] [name] [flags]
Options #
--chunk-size int chunk size of the list pager (default 500)
-h, --help help for get
-n, --namespace string namespace of resource
-o, --output string output format. One of: (json, yaml, raw, key). (default "yaml")
-w, --watch after listing/getting the requested object, watch for changes
--watch-only watch for changes to the requested object(s), without listing/getting first
Options inherited from parent commands #
-c, --config strings config path (default [~/.kwok/kwok.yaml])
--dry-run Print the command that would be executed, but do not execute it
--name string cluster name (default "kwok")
-v, --v log-level number for the log level verbosity (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) or (-4, 0, 4, 8) (default INFO)
- kwokctl hack - [experimental] Hack [get, put, delete] resources in etcd without apiserver