`kwok` in Cluster

Deploy kwok in a Cluster #

This document walks you through how to deploy kwok in a Kubernetes cluster.

Variables preparation #

# KWOK repository
# Get latest
KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl "https://api.github.com/repos/${KWOK_REPO}/releases/latest" | jq -r '.tag_name')

Deployment kwok and set up CRDs #

kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/${KWOK_REPO}/releases/download/${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}/kwok.yaml"

Set up default CRs of Stages (required) #

NOTE: This configures the pod/node emulation behavior, if not it will do nothing.
kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/${KWOK_REPO}/releases/download/${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}/stage-fast.yaml"

Set up default CRs of resource usage (optional) #

This allows to simulate the resource usage of nodes, pods and containers.

kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/${KWOK_REPO}/releases/download/${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}/metrics-usage.yaml"

The above configuration sets the CPU and memory usage of all the containers managed by kwok to 1m and to 1Mi respectively. To override the defaults, you can add annotation "kwok.x-k8s.io/usage-cpu" (for cpu usage) and "kwok.x-k8s.io/usage-memory" (for memory usage) with any quantity value you want to the fake pods.

The resource usage simulation used above is annotation-based and the configuration is available at here. For the explanation of how it works and more complex resource usage simulation methods, please refer to ResourceUsage configuration.

Old way to deploy kwok #

Old way to deploy kwok is here.

Next steps #

Now, you can use kwok to manage nodes and pods in the Kubernetes cluster.